"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
I'm ready to make MY new ending!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Picture Day.....

So here we are....4.5 months....56 lbs.....check me out!

 and....(I am finally noticing!!!)


Erika said...

I discovered your blog over the weekend and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! I spent hours readying every entry from your decision to have surgery forward. The earlier ones were so emotional for me I couldn't read them. The feeling of desperation and disappointment you write about are all too real for me. It's so sad how we "fat girls" keep trying to push a boulder uphill and then beat ourselves up when it runs us over. I'm tired of feeling ashamed of myself and only want to look forward. You are looking so good, you inspire me!! I'm hoping to have WL surgery early next year in MX, gastric plication. I can hardly wait!!
Keep up the good work -- in the weight loss and the writing!!

Carol said...


Thanks for reading...and good luck with surgery next year. I am so glad I chose plication as my surgery. I am losing, and really can eat anything I want, just smaller portions. I don't have any intolerance to anything.....keep reading, keep posting.....it is very cathartic to write out stuff, take care....

FreeJulie said...

Congratulations! I love the pictures, you can really see your success. I'm enjoying following your blog, as well! I'm preparing to have the gastric sleeve in January. It is helpful to read about others' experiences!


s.j. said...

Great pics! Congrats! :)


Lean and green said...

Congratulations! The pics are amazing. Just wanted to let you know you were my inspiration. I found your blog a month or so ago. I was so disappointed because I was not going to pay $20k to have surgery(lap-band). I just got back from Mexico Thursday, had surgery with Dr. Carvala on Monday. Had the gastric plication. I am feeling better and looking forward to eating some creamy soup next week. I am so glad I did it!! Thank you for posting this info.

Sheila said...

WOW, you are looking great! I am looking forward to when my chest sticks out further than my stomach...soon...very soon!


Jennee said...

Good job and brave & great pictures!!!